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Convince your boss Netapp Insight 2024 is a can’t miss event

September 23–25 
MGM Grand, Las Vegas


Discover what's next

Find out what’s next in intelligent data infrastructure from leading experts.


Engage your network

Network with customers, partners, and executives about cloud, AI, and security.


Get interactive

Get hands-on with interactive sessions, innovative labs, and immersive demos.


Be inspired

Plunge into curated curriculums and captivating keynotes from thought leaders.


Deepen your skill set

Elevate your abilities with NetApp technical content, training, and certifications.


Expand your community

Explore new possibilities with groundbreaking thinkers, builders, and doers.


Learn from the best

Hundreds of industry data wizards will share their unique success stories.


Share best practices

Exchange tribal knowledge and work together toward mutual success.


Make connections

Forge deeper relationships with colleagues and friends old and new.


Expand your career

Supercharge your data and return N-Powered to elevate your career!

To help you convince the powers that be, we’ve curated an email to send to your boss with compelling reasons for you to attend. Make it your own, have fun with it, and we’ll see you in Las Vegas…

Download email template

Get ready for the ultimate tech festival